At the origin of Flos there is a bright thought: the idea of giving birth to objects suitable to change the way of living, not only of Italians. So at the beginning of the 60s a certain Mr Gavina, with the small producer of Merano Eisenkeil, gets in the lead - after having created many new furniture (with the brothers Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Afra and Tobia Scarpa and other masters of design) - that it is also time to create new lamps. So the Castiglioni and the Scarpa, with the cocoon technique, conceived in the USA and experimented by Eisenkeil, begin to make lamps such as the Taraxacum or the Fantasma. Many other lamps, beautiful and surprising, follow these first ones: so already from its prehistory Flos (Fiore, in Latin, name that Pier Giacomo Castiglioni chooses for her) finds himself reinventing the idea of artificial lighting.